Evalite Duo Stroller

Evalite Duo Stroller

A cheery combo designed to carry two littles and all their luggage without the load. Lightweight luxury makes travelling with two twice as nice.
Lightweight breeze
One lightweight tandem pushchair at just over 10kg (one of the lightest available!) for ease of driving, riding, lifting and loading.
Compact cargo:
Seriously smooth one hand fold packs flat enough to fit in small boots and snug storage spaces.
Carrier companion:
Instant Sure Lock™ attachment smartly syncs Joie infant carriers to the rear seat of the pushchair for a quick and easy dock, lock and roll.

Ultra lightweight duo pushchair at just over 10kg
Rear seat suitable from birth with flat recline. Front seat suitable from 6 months
Pairs perfectly with Joie gemm™ and i-Gemm™, no adapters needed
Sure Lock™ spring lock attachment secures infant seat with just one click
Stands when folded
Multi-position reclining front and rear seats
2 position adjustable leg rest on rear seat
UPF 50+ sun canopy
Retractable hoods with viewing window on rear seat
Extra large shopping basket