Mirus Stroller

Mirus Stroller
Mirus Stroller

Looks both ways.
Reversible handle converts from rear facing to forward facing in a snap so you can show off or cuddle close.

Lightweight aluminium chassis is easy to manouvre on the street, in the park or up the stairs
Suitable from birth with flat reclining seat
Pairs perfectly with all Joie group 0+ infant seats, no adapters needed
Removable head support
One hand fold automatically locks, leaving your other hand free
Free standing when folded and fits nicely in a small boot
One-hand smooth recline system keeps a sleeping baby tilted and dreaming
Multi-position, flat reclining seat provides backrest recline options
Multi-position calf rest has two comfy options
Reversible handle lets baby look both ways whether facing in or out
UPF 50+ sun canopy
Oversized, expandable hood provides custom shade options
Large, easy access storage basket holds plenty of personal items
Front swivel wheels lock in place as needed
All wheel suspension for a smoother ride on rough surfaces
Padded armbar rotates to the side for easy entry
Single step, ShoeSaver brake keeps shoes scuff free
SoftTouch 5-point harness system is gentle on baby’s skin and adjusts to 3 heights