

A seat from birth to the end of the child seat age.
Group 0+/1/2/3 – from birth to 36kg.
Attachment with vehicle belt.
Backwards up to 18kg / approx. 4 years.
3-piece neonatal insert.
Grows in height and width with the child.
Usable over the entire child seat duration.
Thus, you only have to buy one seat in which you transport your your child safely from birth until the age of 12.
For the youngest, the seat has a 3-piece newboarn insert that can be adjusted. Up to 18kg your child can drive safely backwards. From about 4 years, the seat is used forward.
The integrated 5-point harness can be easily stowed in the seat and your sweetheart is secured with the vehicle belt.

Expandable side impact protection.
Optimal with ISOFIX when driving forward facing.
5-point harness up to 18kg.